Sunday, June 27, 2010

Food and HALF WAY!!!!

So, yesterday I had a friend, Lauren, from work come over and we had dinner. My photography wont be featured in any food magazines any time soon, but let me tell you, those meat balls were delicious! Saw them on the foodnetwork, and I knew that I had to make them.

Let's just say the garlic bread was absolutely sinful...not meant to be included in any diet...not even the see-food diet. Haha. They were delicious, but I knew what was in them so I felt guilty eating them! haha. So delicious though. YUM!

Anyway, Lauren thought it was so good! I got the go ahead to make it for Josh when he gets back. I think that he'll like them, they have bacon in them. You can't go wrong with bacon. :P

We've hit the halfway point today; Josh will be back in 6 weeks or a month and a half ;) Haha... for some reason 6 weeks sounds like it will go by faster.

Josh went to a circus over the weekend that he said was pretty awesome. He, of course, liked the animal half of the show. He said they had trained all kinds of animals like dogs, cats, sea lions and quite a few others that I can't remember.'re getting this secondhand. He got back pretty late and he was super tired.

All is well! Until next time!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Grocery Shopping

Who ever thought grocery shopping could be an olymic sport? I'm at work from 8 to 5 and school from 5 to 7. The only time I have to go grocery shopping is during my 1 hour lunch break. So, I just got back and with my last 5 minutes of lunch hour I thought that I would just give an update. I'm all sweaty and out of breath from running around trying to get my groceries!

Then, I come back to the office having bought treats for the office and they all look at me like I'm crazy basically because I don't have time to run home and drop off my groceries like normal people. Not even my offering of sweets was enough to get them to stop telling me to hide my groceries. Oh brother! The people in the office will not be offended by my lack of time to go grocery shopping. They don't care.

Sigh. Yeah. Life is busy!

Well, that wasn't much of the update promised. I had to vent a bit. :) People think I'm crazy, but I couldn't very well leave groceries in the not car, could I? No. Definietly not.

Josh is doing well. He's tired though. I get to talk to him when it's about 7 or 8 in the morning for him, so he's not always super talkative. That's alright, though. He's having a really good time. He just got back from St. Petersburg a few days ago.

And, I'm being bothered to clock back in so! Until next time.