I guess I'll just work backwards since that seems to be the best way to do it. That way you hear what's most recent with us. Josh is in Russia on his study abroad. It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but I'm hanging in there. I'm really busy with school and work, so I keep my mind off of missing Josh. I do miss him though!
If I didn't have enough on my plate already, I've added a quilt to the mess. It's really cute I'll have to get a picture of it uploaded once I figure out how to do it (and after it's finished). It's going to be our next bedspread and hopefully it will be finished before I turn 20 because the name of the pattern is "Turning Twenty." I thought it was fitting :)
It's pink, green, purple, yellow, and brown. And it's going to look amazing when it's done! And it will be my first quilt! Woohoo!
I'm currently reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley for my Romantic Lit class...Josh thinks that Frankenstein is a German Band because I told him that I was listening to it on tape one day. Yeah, WOW! Haha. You can't blame him though, he doesn't really do the literature thing. :)
I'm also taking a Bible as Literature class that's really exciting. So far, among other (more important) things, I've learned that the Bible is a gory and rather sexual book. There's times when I really wonder. :) Don't worry...It really is strengthening my testimony even if it doesn't really sound like it. The class has made me ask a lot of questions and then go out to find the answer to them; and, all of my questions have reasonable answers. :)
I am also taking a computer class where I'm learning Indesign and Photoshop. I'm currently working on a cookbook. I'm compiling all of the recipes that I use on a rather regular basis. So, if you have any good ones pass them along (that's really meant for you Gaby because I think you're the only one reading this haha). I will make a specific request for Grandma Chandler's Raspberry Cheesecake, though. :)
Josh is going to Red Square (I think that's what it's called) this weekend. I guess it's where the President lives, and it had a He said that they're probably going to get to go on a tour bus (he hopes it has air conditioning) haha. So, he gets to take a formal tour of Red Square! Hopefully it's a good one!
Well, I have about 30 more pages in Frankenstein to skim--I mean READ...Fat chance :) Not when it's bed time all ready! Until next time!
I hope that will hold you over, Gaby. That is if you get through it...It's kinda a long posting with no pictures or anything fun. Sorry!
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